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Custom Filter

Target audience: Developers


Sometimes, users want to see slightly different data than the default filters. These default filters show the work instances or tasks that you have permission on. There is also an API consuming filters available to search work items (i.e. root case or process instances) or a similar API for tasks. By default, the filterIds open, all, completed,mineand assignee are provided. However, sometimes there is no filter available which is giving you exactly what you would like to have.

In this case, Flowable offers you to create your own filter. In this howto, we'll show a basic example how such a custom filter can be built.

Filters can be created for

  • Work lists (root process and case instances)
  • Task lists v3.16.0+

Creating a custom filter

A Custom Filter needs to be defined to extend the default Work filters. These custom filters are JSON files that are put on the classpath in the location

  • For work filters: com/flowable/filters/work/custom/
  • For task filters: com/flowable/filters/task/custom/

These custom filter files are read and processed on server bootup. Thus when changes are needed, a server reboot is required.

There are 3 different types of filter. All 3 contain the following properties:

"key": "basicFilterId",
"type": "basic",
"label": "By Basic",
"labelKey": "translation.reference",
"order": 20,
"userGroupKeys": [
"userDefinitionKeys": [
  • key
    • is a unique identifier for the filter
  • type
    • required type property Values can be basic,query or alias
  • label
    • the default label used for this filter
  • labelKey
    • translation identifier to support multiple languages
  • order
    • numeric (Integer) value for the order within all defined filter. The default value is '0'
  • userGroupKeys
    • String list of all user groups with access to this filter
  • userDefinitionKeys
    • String list of all user definition keys with access to this filter

NOTE: Users can see a filter if their UserDefinitionKey matches one of the defined, or one of their assigned UserGroups matches one of the defined UserGroups in the filter.

Different types of filter

Basic filter

Basic filter can be used without ElasticSearch. In addition, this type of filter provides a list of parameters to filter the work instances.

"key": "basicFilterId",
"type": "basic",
"label": "Basic Filter",
"labelKey": "translation.reference",
"order": 2,
"userGroupKeys": [
"userDefinitionKeys": [
"parameters": {
"definitionKey": "yourProcessDefinitionKey",
"startUserId": "{currentUserId}"

Work Filter Parameters

Possible parameters for work data are:

definitionCategoriesList of Strings

Note: startUserId and assigneeUserId are capable of processing the expression '{currentUserId}'

Task Filter Parameters

Possible parameters for task data are:

caseDefinitionCategoryList of Strings
caseDefinitionCategoriesList of Strings
processDefinitionNameList of Strings
processDefinitionCategoriesList of Strings
scopeDefinitionCategoriesList of Strings
sortString (comma-separated when sorting on multiple fields)
sortOrderString (comma-separated when sorting on multiple fields)

Index query filter

Query filters are used to integrate ElasticSearch index queries into the work UI. First you need to create a query as shown here, afterwards you can link this query to a filter. This works the same for work and task filters.

"key": "filterId",
"type": "query",
"label": "Query Filter",
"labelKey": "translation.reference",
"order": 1,
"userGroupKeys": [
"userDefinitionKeys": [
"query": "yourQueryId",
"queryParameters": {
"customDefinitionKey": ""
  • query
    • Id of the query you want to execute
  • queryParameters
    • parameters for the query

Index alias filter

Alias filters are used to integrate index aliases into the work UI. First you need to create a alias as shown here, afterwards you can link this alias to a filter. This works the same for work and task filters.

"key": "filterId",
"type": "alias",
"label": "Alias Filter",
"labelKey": "translation.reference",
"order": 1,
"userGroupKeys": [
"userDefinitionKeys": [
"alias": "yourAlias"
  • alias
    • the alias you want to execute

Default filters and overriding them

There are 5 default Work (basic) filters defined (assignee, open, mine, completed and all). Ordered like this with order values of 0, 10, 20, 30 and 40. You can integrate your own filter in between. If you want to override any filter, you just need to create a custom filter with the same id.

There are 5 default Task (basic) filters defined (mine, unassigned, open, completed and all). Ordered like this with order values of 0, 10, 20, 30 and 40. You can integrate your own filter in between. If you want to override any filter, you just need to create a custom filter with the same id.