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Create Instance Button


Creation of a case or process instance.



Model Id RequiredString

This is a unique id for the component.

Every field on a form model needs a unique ID, which is automatically generated but can be changed if needed (e.g. to reference in expressions or for debugging purposes).

If the field type supports rendering a label, and most types do, it can be configured here. This label is a displayed on the form to the end user and typically indicates what value is expected in the field.

The documentation property holds free-form text that can be used to give more details about this create instance button, like its purpose, usage in other models, etc.

Label Expression usage possibleTranslatable to different languagesText

The label attribute adds a label to the component.

Label tooltip Expression usage possibleTranslatable to different languagesText

When it is defined, a question mark icon will appear in the component label. When the user hovers over it it will show this text in a tooltip.

Documentation Multiline Text

A free-form text to explain the use cases for this form field.

Instance type RequiredSelection:
  • Case
  • Process

Choose an instance type, case or process, for which a new instance should be created

The Instance type is a mandatory property that needs to be set to create either a process or a case instance.

The Override button text can be used to set a custom text onto the button, which is typically something you'd want to do.

Button text Expression usage possibleTranslatable to different languagesText

Text that appears inside the button.

Case reference Expression usage possibleReference

Define the case model that is used to create the new case instance

Create or link a CMMN case model to this button, which will determine the case definition that is used when starting a new case instance when clicking this button.

A CMMN case model reference can be unlinked to allow another CMMN case model to be linked in its place. Note that unlinking a model does not delete the model itself.

Process reference Expression usage possibleReference

Define the process model that is used to create the new process instance

Create or link a BPMN process model to this button, which will determine the process definition that is used when starting a new process instance when clicking this button.

A BPMN process model reference can be unlinked to allow another BPMN process model to be linked in its place. Note that unlinking a model does not delete the model itself.

Send full payload Boolean

Send the whole payload when executing the action. When the action has a form, that form''s payload is sent instead

Configure various properties when starting a new instance.

The Send full payload checkbox, which is checked by efault, will pass all current data of the form to the creation of the instance.

The Navigation mode can be set to change the UI behavior after the button has been clicked and the instance is started.

The Input mapping is used to pass in additional data into the start form of the reference process or case model.

The Response payload mapping is used to map data from the response back into the form. For example, {{$response.processDefinitionId}} maps the id of the process definition into the form.

Navigation mode RequiredSelection:
  • Stay on page
  • Navigate to new instance
  • Go to next task
  • Navigation URL

Define to which view the application should navigate after creating the instance

Navigation url Expression usage possibleText

Define the url where the application will navigate after creating the instance

Input mapping List

Define the input mapping for the case or process instance

Response payload mapping List

Define a payload mapping for the instance create response


Button alignment Expression usage possibleSelection:
  • Left
  • Right

Where the button will be aligned.

Configuration properties for how the create instance button is rendered on the form.

Tooltip Expression usage possibleTranslatable to different languagesText

When the user hovers the button it will show this text in a tooltip.

Primary Expression usage possibleBoolean

Mark the button as primary.

Icon alignment Selection:
  • Left
  • Right

The alignment of the icon.

Configuration properties for how the icon for the service button is rendered on the form.


Validation Panel Display Selection:
  • Show
  • Only message
  • Hide

Display at validation panel and validation tooltip.

Providing proper data in form fields is important, especially when in process, case, decision or any other models the values provided in the form fields are used in subsequent steps.

To make sure that the data is correct, validation is crucial. For this reason, a form can only be submitted when all fields are valid and thus all validation properties configured on the left apply.

Check the tooltips on the properties for more information.

Custom validations List

List of additional validations to apply.

The create instance button can have custom validation rules beyond the standard set of validations. Such a rule is written as a frontend expression in the form of {{myExpression}}. If this expression evaluates to false, the submission of the form won't be possible.


Ignored Expression usage possibleBoolean

If true the component will be hidden and the value will not be part of any payload.

Fields can also be shown or hidden based on the visible condition. This can be a frontend expression in the form of {{myExpression}} which can reference other form field values by their IDs.

Fields can also be enabled or disabled, and similarly this can be made dynamic based on a frontend expression.

Some field types can be ignored (the property is shown here if that's the case), which means that its value won't be taken into account.

Visible Expression usage possibleBoolean

Boolean value or expression specifies whether the component is visible or hidden. This expression might include another value in the same form, for instance use a checkbox bound to {{showAdditionalFields}} and use the very same expression as the visible attribute to show or hide the component according the checked state of the checkbox. If you want to only show the component, if the form is not used as the init-form, you can use the expression '{{}}' which evaluates to true only, if there is a current case id which is not the case in an initialization form.

Enabled Expression usage possibleBoolean

Boolean value or expression specifies whether component is enabled or disabled.

Style class Text

Stylesheet class name. Add any style classes to be applied to the component for the desired styling and rendering.

The create instance button can get customized CSS classes to customize the default styling. Note that the CSS files needed for the customizations must be available on the runtime system.


Events List

The create instance button emits low-level events on which can be reacted with a frontend expression to implement various use cases that are not possible with regular modeling.

If the expression produces a value, it can be stored in a new variable using the Result variable property.

List Attribute Details

Input mapping

Name RequiredText

A human-readable name.

Expression RequiredExpression usage possibleText

Validation passes when this expression is true.

Response payload mapping

Name RequiredText

A human-readable name.

Expression RequiredExpression usage possibleText

Validation passes when this expression is true.

Custom validations

Expression RequiredExpression usage possibleText

Validation passes when this expression is true.

Error message RequiredTranslatable to different languagesText

Message to display when the validation fails.


Event label RequiredText

This is a unique id for the component.

Event type Selection:
  • On value change

The type of event emitted by the form field.

Expression Expression usage possibleText

Validation passes when this expression is true.

Result variable Text

Capture the result of the expression in a result variable.