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Abbyy Manual Review


The abbyy manual review is embedding ABBYY into Flowable to show the capabilities of a manual review.



Model Id RequiredString

This is a unique id for the component.

Label Expression usage possibleTranslatable to different languagesText

The label attribute adds a label to the component.

Label position Selection:
  • Left
  • Top

The position of the label, you can choose between left or top.

Label tooltip Expression usage possibleTranslatable to different languagesText

When it is defined, a question mark icon will appear in the component label. When the user hovers over it it will show this text in a tooltip.

Documentation Multiline Text

A free-form text to explain the use cases for this form field.

Iframe configuration

Height String

The height of the iFrame in pixels; can be an expression.

Show border Boolean

If selected, the iFrame will display with a border.

Scrolling type Selection:
  • Auto
  • Yes
  • No

Decides how to attach a scrolling bar to the iFrame. Scrolling type 'Auto' means the scrolling bar will appear just if the content of the iframe is taller than its height. Scrolling type 'Yes' means the scrolling bar will always appear. Scrolling type 'No' means the scrolling bar will never appear, so part of the iFrame can be potentially hidden.


Validation Panel Display Selection:
  • Show
  • Only message
  • Hide

Display at validation panel and validation tooltip.

Custom validations List

List of additional validations to apply.


Description Expression usage possibleTranslatable to different languagesText

The description attribute adds a description to the component.

Ignored Expression usage possibleBoolean

If true the component will be hidden and the value will not be part of any payload.

Visible Expression usage possibleBoolean

Boolean value or expression specifies whether the component is visible or hidden. This expression might include another value in the same form, for instance use a checkbox bound to {{showAdditionalFields}} and use the very same expression as the visible attribute to show or hide the component according the checked state of the checkbox. If you want to only show the component, if the form is not used as the init-form, you can use the expression '{{}}' which evaluates to true only, if there is a current case id which is not the case in an initialization form.

Enabled Expression usage possibleBoolean

Boolean value or expression specifies whether component is enabled or disabled.

Style class Text

Stylesheet class name. Add any style classes to be applied to the component for the desired styling and rendering.


Events List

List Attribute Details

Custom validations

Expression RequiredExpression usage possibleText

Validation passes when this expression is true.

Error message RequiredTranslatable to different languagesText

Message to display when the validation fails.


Event label RequiredText

This is a unique id for the component.

Event type Selection:
  • On value change

The type of event emitted by the form field.

Expression Expression usage possibleText

Validation passes when this expression is true.

Result variable Text

Capture the result of the expression in a result variable.