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SLA concepts

SLA models can be used to define service level agreements for a task, and in the future potentially also case and process instances. For a human task in CMMN and for a user task in BPMN a SLA model can be referenced and that defines the initialisation steps that are executed when the task is created. The following configurations can be be defined as part of a SLA model:

  • A start progress due date, that defines before when progress should be started. When the start progress due date is enabled, an action instance is automatically created when the task is created and an action button to start progress is available in the task view in Flowable Work.
  • A completion due date, that defines by when the task should have been completed.
  • Business calendar type, which is 24/7 by default, but can also be configured to use regular working day hours. The calendar is used to calculate the exact due date and time value.
  • Initialisation steps, these can be used to define which value some of the task properties should get when the task is created. For example, the priority value can be defined, assignment can be set, a variable can be set, but also an email can be sent or a message to a conversation.
  • Escalation steps, these can be defined in relationship to the configured start progress and completion due dates. For example, it can be defined that 3 hours before the completion due date, an escalation step should be executed to sent an email to the task assignee. Another example is that 1 hour before the start progress due date is reached, a certain variable value should be updated.

When a SLA model is referenced by a task in a case or process model, it can also be configured to store all data related to the task and the SLA information in a SLA audit instance table and a SLA Elasticsearch index. This information can then be used for audit purpose or to create dashboards using the SLA information. At the moment there are no SLA specific dashboard components yet, but this will be added in a next version. The following properties can be used to first enable SLA audit instance storage in the database, and second to store it in Elasticsearch as well.

