Stages are used to structure cases. They are often used to represent the different phases of a case or to logically group plan items. It is possible to nest stages.
Attribute | Type | Description | Category |
Model Id | Text | Model Id identifies the element within the process model. | The model id, name and documentation properties can be found on any element. They are used respectively to uniquely identify the stage, to give it a user-friendly name and to add a free-form description. |
Name | Text | The name of the element. This is the name displayed in the diagram. | |
Documentation | Multiline Text | The documentation attribute additionally adds a description to the component. | |
Business status | ModelStatusElementsSelect | If set, this will update the case instance business status to the given value when the stage becomes active. | The business status of the case instance will be changed to this Business status when this stage becomes active. The possible values for the status are configured on the plan model level. |
Attribute | Type | Description | Category |
Required | Boolean | Select this option to mark the element as required (exclamation mark decorator). Required plan items must be either in the status COMPLETED, TERMINATED, or DISABLED in order for their parent stage to complete. | Check this option to mark this stage as required, which means that it needs to be in a terminal state in order for its parent to complete. Visually, the stage will get an exclamation mark icon. Required plan items must be in a terminal state (such as completed or terminated) in order for their parent stage to complete. |
Completion neutral | Boolean | Completion neutral influences the plan item's parent stage completes. Plan items in the state AVAILABLE may prevent the parent stage (or case) from automatically completing. By checking this property, the plan item will behave neutral with respect to the completion of the parent container. | Completion neutral influences the plan item's parent stage completion. Normally, plan item instances in the state available may prevent the parent stage (or case) from automatically completing. By checking this property, the plan item will behave neutral with respect to the completion of the parent container (i.e. it will not stop the completion). |
Manual activation | Boolean | Select this option to mark the element to have Manual activation (right arrow 'play' decorator). Plan items with Manual activation move from state AVAILABLE to state ENABLED once they trigger. A plan item in state ENABLED exposes an action button that allows the user to manually start the plan item. | If manual activation is turned on for a stage, it will be created in enabled state and waiting to be manually activated. In Flowable Work, this is exposed as an action (button) on the case where the stage can be manually activated. Optionally, the manual activation can be combined with a start form to be shown to enter data or confirm the activation of the stage. You can also define the permissions needed to trigger manual activation, the name of that activation action and where it should be exposed to. |
Manual activation name | Text | Define the name to be used for the manual activation trigger. | |
Manual activation icon | Icon | Define the icon to be used for the manual activation trigger. | |
Manual activation priority | Integer | The priority for the Manual activation action | |
Manual activation permission groups | Group Selection | Define the groups which have access to the manual activation trigger. | Advanced configuration for manual activation. The permission groups allow to define which groups and the permissions users allow to define which users can use the action to manually activate the stage plan item instance. |
Manual activation permission users | User Selection | Define the users which have access to the manual activation trigger. | |
Manual activation channels | Text | Define a list of channels to expose the manual activation action. | |
Start form | Reference | An optional form shown when the event listener is manually activated. | The form that is shown when the action to manual activate the stage is used. If there is no form, the stage will immediately be activated. |
In same deployment | Boolean | Set it to true if the referenced definition should be referenced from within the same app deployment. Set it to false to always use the newest definition. | The Same deployment flag is used to indicate that the manual activation form model that is used is part of the same app deployment package as where the current CMMN model is in. If unchecked, the latest version is used which can come from an app that is deployed at a later point in time. |
Validate start form fields (server-side) | Boolean | If the start form is submitted and validate form fields expression evaluates to true, form fields are validated on the BE side according to the form model restrictions. | If the form is submitted and the flag or expression on the left-hand side evaluate to true, the form fields will be validated on the server-side according to the form model restrictions. |
Attribute | Type | Description | Category |
Repetition | Boolean | Select this option to mark the element as repeatable (fencemark decorator). Repeatable plan items may exist more than once at run-time, each having their own life-cycle. | A stage can be repeatable, in which case multiple plan item instances will be created for the same stage plan item, resulting also in multiple instances of all child elements within the stage. The repetition can be an expression, and new instances are created as long as the expression resolves to true. This can be limited using the Max instance count. The Repetition counter variable is a local variable with a value incremented by one for each new plan item instance created. Alternatively, a Collection variable can be passed which leads to a plan item instance per element in the collection. The element can be captured in a variable using the Element variable and its index in the collection in the Element index variable. |
Repetition counter variable | Text | Name of the repetition counter variable. | |
Don't create repetition counter variable | Boolean | Enable this flag to prevent the creation of the repetition counter variable. When a variable aggregation is defined, this flag will be ignored and a repetition counter variable will be created. | |
Max instance count | Selection:
| Defines the maximum number of instances for repetition. Note that this does not mean there can be only one instance ever in the lifetime of a case instance, this will limit the instances each time when the repetition is evaluated (for example when an entry sentry evaluates to true to re-enter a stage or plan item). | |
Collection variable | Text | Variable to be used as the collection for the repetition. | |
Element variable | Text | Variable that will be used to store the current item value for the repetition. | |
Element index variable | Text | Variable that will be used to store the current index value for the repetition. | |
Variable Aggregations | List | When using repetition, there is often a need to create an aggregation of the variables created and/or updated in each instance. With variable aggregation, a JSON variable can be created that after all instances have been completed contains the summary of all the used variables. This is needed because for repetition, variables are persisted locally, to avoid clashes on the case instance level. Alternatively, an 'overview' variable can be created while the instances are still unfinished. Each aggregation consists of one or multiple definitions that map instance variables of one instance of the repetition to the aggregation variable. |
Attribute | Type | Description | Category |
Auto complete | Boolean | A Stage with this option set to true will complete more eagerly, even if there are pending non-required children in states Available or Enabled. In other words: With the option set to true, a Stage will complete even if it has children in states Available or Enabled (unless they are Required). With this option set to false, a Stage will only complete if all child elements are in states {Completed, Terminated, Disabled}. | Activating the auto complete option will automatically complete this stage, once all active and required plan items have been completed or ended, even if there are still plan items left in either enabled (manually activated) or available (guarded by an entry-sentry) state. Furthermore, you can use the 'impact on parent completion' property on he child plan items to define how they impact the stage for completion. This is specially helpful, when the auto completion option is not used. |
Show state | Boolean | A flag indicating whether the state of this Stage is displayed at run-time. The standard Case template includes a status bar showing the states of Stages and Milestones. When set to true, the Stage will be displayed in the status bar with colors reflecting its state: light gray for Available/Enabled/Terminated, red for active, dark gray for Completed. | Activating the show state property will expose this stage in the stage overview of the case in the UI. If turned on, make sure to set a display order as well to properly order all the stages, if they should not be ordered alphabetically, which normally does not make sense. |
Display order | Integer | An integer value (negative, zero or positive) denoting the display order of the Stage's state indicator relative to other elements in the status bar (see attribute Show state). The smaller the number, the more to the left. |
Attribute | Type | Description | Category |
Lifecycle listeners | List | Allows you to define lifecycle listeners for a plan item. Lifecycle listeners allow you to execute an expression, a delegate expression or a class when a plan item transitions from one state to another. | With lifecycle listeners it is possible to react to state changes of the stage plan item instance. Lifecycle listeners allow you to execute an expression, a delegate expression or a class when the plan model transitions from one state to another. |
Attribute | Type | Description | Category |
Direct activation condition | Boolean | Condition that expresses if the plan item should be directly activated when a case instance is reactivated. | Case reactivation is the the ability to reopen a finished case instance and continue with its execution. Case reactivation needs to be modeled using a reactivation listener and specific behavior can be configured for each plan item in the case model. The Direct Activation Condition is the first condition to be evaluated during case reactivation. If checked or if there is an expression evaluating to true, the stage immediately gets activated, regardless of any entry sentry or condition which might be necessary to restart at a certain state of the case (e.g. a stage). The Ignore Condition, if checked or if there is an expression evaluating to true, means that the stage is ignored on reactivation. The Default Condition only gets evaluated, if the previous ones are either not checked or evaluated to false. If so, the stage behaves like a regular one as if the case instance was started from scratch. This means that any necessary entry sentry is considered and evaluated and the engine proceeds as normal. Please check the Flowable documentation for more details. |
Ignore condition | Boolean | Condition that expresses if the plan item should be ignored when a case instance is reactivated. | |
Default condition | Boolean | Condition that expresses if the plan item should trigger when a case instance is reactivated. |
Attribute | Type | Description | Category |
Font size | Selection:
| The font size of the element in the diagram. | Visual properties that determine how the stage is shown in the diagram. This has no impact on the runtime execution. |
Font weight | Selection:
| The font weight of the element in the diagram. | |
Font style | Selection:
| The font style of the element in the diagram. | |
Font color | Color | The font color of the element in the diagram. | |
Background color | Color | The background color of the element in the diagram. | |
Border color | Color | The border color of the element in the diagram. |
List Attribute Details
Variable Aggregations
Attribute | Type | Description |
Target (Variable / Expression) | Text | The name of the target variable or an expression that gives the variable name |
Type | Selection:
| The audit log type. |
Delegate Expression | Text | Delegate Expression to be executed when the task is activated. A delegate expression must resolve to a Java object, for instance a Spring bean. The object's class must implement either PlanItemJavaDelegate or CmmnActivityBehavior. |
Class | String | Fully qualified classname of a class to be invoked when executing the task. The class must implement either PlanItemJavaDelegate or CmmnActivityBehavior. |
Target variable creation | Selection:
| |
Variable Definitions | BasicFormList |
Variable Definitions
Attribute | Type | Description |
Source (Variable / Expression) | Text | The name of the source variable or an expression that provides the value |
Target (Variable / Expression) | Text | The name of the target variable or an expression that gives the variable name |
Lifecycle listeners
Attribute | Type | Description |
Source state | Selection:
| |
Target state | Selection:
| |
Class | Text | Fully qualified classname of a class to be invoked when executing the task. The class must implement either PlanItemJavaDelegate or CmmnActivityBehavior. |
Expression | Text | JUEL Expression to be executed when the task is started. Expressions allow you to interact with the backend by calling services, making calculations etc. You can find more information about expressions in the documentation. |
Delegate expression | Text |