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Design can be used to develop plugins that can installed and used in other Design instances.

Conceptually, plugins look similar to apps, with the difference that they can only contain service models and so-called 'plugin tasks'.

Plugins can only be created in workspaces that can contain plugins:

Create Workspace for plugins

This guide demonstrates how such plugins are developed. If you are interested in how to use and install plugins have a look at Plugin usage

Create Plugin

Once a workspace that can contain plugins is created (see screenshot above), then in this workspace new plugin models can be created:

Create plugin in workspace

These plugins can contain one of the following models:

Plugins have a version which has to be in the X.Y.Z format, where X, Y and Z are numbers. This version is important when installing plugins, since only a single version of a plugin can be installed on a single Design instance. As such, version numbers should always be higher if the plugin has changed and the old version needs to be replaced.

Plugins also have an order, which defines where in the palette picker their tasks will be located.


Plugin order usage

The order is configured in the property panel of the plugin:

Plugin Task

When a plugin is installed, the plugin tasks are mapped to a task in the BPMN or CMMN palettes. A plugin model can contain any number of plugin tasks.

The first thing that should be done for a plugin task is to link it to a service in your plugin. e.g.

Link service in plugin task

Once it is linked, the input, output and error parameters of the service can be configured. A decision can be made which parameters should be exposed to the users of the task and which don't. In this way, the plugin task acts an 'API' towards both the service and the end-users.

Plugin task top level input parameters

In the example above we are exposing some of the input parameters of the service as top level properties, which means that they will appear in the main property panel when clicking on the task.

In this editor you can provide default values for properties, ignore properties, etc.

Plugin task top level input parameters property

e.g. the property above has an adjusted name, is required and expression can be used with it.

  • The id is a unique identifier for the particular property.
  • The name is the human-readable name, as shown in the property panel.
  • The optional help text will be shown to the user in a tooltip, when set.
  • The type determines how users will be able to change the value of the property.
  • The visible flag configures whether the property is shown to the user. Hiding a property can be useful when setting for example a default value that the users shoulnd't change statically in a task.
  • The read only flag, when checked, will disallow editing the property value.
  • The required property will add validation, ensuring a value must be set for the property.
  • The with expression flag determines whether the expression toggle is rendered for this property. If unchecked, only 'primitive' values will be able to be entered.

e.g. the property below is hidden and a default value is provided for it:

(This approach can be used to use the same service, but provide different tasks for it without the user ever knowing that the same service is used.)

Plugin task top level input parameters hidden property

In the property panel it will look like:

Plugin task top level input parameters usage

The alternative to Top level properties is to use the other setting Service registry properties. When this option is selected, the parameters will be shown in the typical parameter mapping popup shown when working with a service model.

Plugin task service registry output parameters

The options for the output and error output parameters are less, since in those values the names of the process / case variables are written.

In the property panel this will look like:

Plugin task service registry output parameters usage

and when editing it will look like:

Plugin task service registry output parameters modal