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Setting up the Development Environment

To customize Flowable a Flowable Frontend or integrate Flowable components into your application a frontend project is required. Therefore, you need to install Node, Yarn and an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) of your choice.

In case you are interested in also customizing the backend checkout the Setting up the Backend Development Environment.

Setup Yarn to Download Flowable Artifacts

To access artifacts you need to add the Flowable repository and your credentials to your .npmrc file.


In case you do not have credentials yet, please reach out to your contact person at Flowable (e.g. Account Executive).

You can add these lines to the .npmrc located in your user directory.


To get your user values:

  • Go to Artifact Repository and click on "Set Me Up".
  • Write your password in the top-right and click on the arrow (->) icon.
  • After that you will find the above example lines replaced with your credentials.

To base64 your password directly from your console you can run:

echo -n your-password | openssl base64

Please remember to replace also the @<SCOPE> value by @flowable in the first line:


Deprecation of API Keys

To distribute the artifacts Flowable uses JFrog. JFrog deprecated the API Keys and therefore those need to be replaced with Identity Tokens or the password itself.


You can either use the password to login or an identity token. If identity tokens or the password is a better fit depends on where you are using the password. An identity token expires automatically after one year, and you can revoke the token.

For a central place when you proxy the artifactory it might be better to use the password, since it does not expire.