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Flowable HTTP Client

Flowable uses an instance of FlowableHttpClient in the platform to perform HTTP requests. This Flowable HTTP Client is used in the HTTP Task and the Service Registry REST models.

Flowable has 3 types of implementations:

Based on what is available on the classpath that would take precedence. e.g. Spring WebClient has precedence over Apache HTTP 5, which has a precedence over Apache HTTP 4.

The http client can be configured using the properties with prefix flowable.http. The properties are defined here.

Depending on which client is being used there are other customizations options.

Customizing Spring WebClient


A bean of type FlowableHttpClientWebClientCustomizer can be used to provide more complex customization of the WebClient.Builder


@Configuration(proxyBeanMethods = false)
public class CustomConfiguration {

public FlowableHttpClientWebClientCustomizer httpClientCustomizer() {
return webClientBuilder -> {
// Customization


Customizing Apache HTTP Client 5


A bean of type FlowableHttpClientApacheHttpClient5Customizer can be used to provide more complex customization of the HttpAsyncClientBuilder


@Configuration(proxyBeanMethods = false)
public class CustomConfiguration {

public FlowableHttpClientApacheHttpClient5Customizer httpClientCustomizer() {
return clientBuilder -> {
// Customization


If you want to customize the HTTP proxy you can set flowable.http.use-system-properties to true and then configure the default Java HTTP proxy properties

Customizing Apache HTTP Client 4


A bean of type FlowableHttpClientApacheHttpClient4Customizer can be used to provide more complex customization of the HttpClientBuilder


@Configuration(proxyBeanMethods = false)
public class CustomConfiguration {

public FlowableHttpClientApacheHttpClient4Customizer httpClientCustomizer() {
return clientBuilder -> {
// Customization


If you want to customize the HTTP proxy you can set flowable.http.use-system-properties to true and then configure the default Java HTTP proxy properties

Multiple FlowableHttpClient(s)

In case multiple FlowableHttpClient(s) are needed, e.g. a custom one for a specific Service Registry Service Definition Model, then the FlowableHttpClientBuilder can be used to provide an instance of the default implementation (see here for an example).


@Configuration(proxyBeanMethods = false)
public class CustomConfiguration {

public FlowableHttpClient customFlowableHttpClient(FlowableHttpClientBuilder<HttpAsyncClientBuilder> flowableHttpBuilder) {
// Replace HttpAsyncClientBuilder with the appropriate builder
return flowableHttpBuilder
.addCustomizer(builder -> {
// Provide customizations

public FlowableHttpClient defaultFlowableHttpClient(FlowableHttpClientBuilder<?> builder) {


The use of the HttpAsyncClientBuilder is an example. Depending on which client type is the generic should be the appropriate type. e.g. WebClient.Builder when using the Spring WebClient, HttpAsyncClientBuilder when using the Apache HTTP Client 5 and HttpClientBuilder when using the Apache HTTP Client 4.