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License Usage Statistics

This document provides information on how to access the License Usage Statistics and the purpose it serves with contractual licensing compliance. Periodically, customers are required to review their environment's usage and ensure its within the allotted Flowable licensing parameters.

Compliance Mechanism

License usage statistics such as licensed Regular Users, RCPIs (Root Case Instances or Root Process Instances), JVMs, Applications and Models are merit based. Flowable Customers are contractually obliged to provide the license usage statistics regularly for comparison against the signed agreement.

Accessing License Usage Statistics in Flowable Work

The license usage statistics can be accessed from Flowable Work in the bottom left corner when clicking the username of the logged-in user. After clicking on settings, there is a License tab in the popup which will give the option to Download license usage statistics (anonymized).

It is recommended to use anonymized data to not leak any named users or other information that is not pertinent to the purpose of gathering license usage statistics.


In order for a user to have access to this report the user is required to have the following allowedFeature set as part of the User Definition licenseValidationInfo.

Accessing License Info through Flowable Control

License usage statistics can be accessed from Flowable Control using the menu option System Info. Under System Info is License info menu option where a visual display of license metrics can be viewed. The License info page has 4 tabs for reviewing the current environment's usage.

  • General: Displays Flowable license information and number of active nodes.
  • User counts: Displays the number of active users in the environment.
  • App counts: Displays the number of deployed apps and models in the environment.
  • RCPI (Root Case and Root Process Instances): Displays the number of started process instances.

From the License info page, the License usage statistics JSON can be downloaded with the Download file button.

Flowable again recommends ensuring that Anonymize the user ids checkbox is checked so that named users information is not leaked.

Accessing License Usage Statistics from REST API

License usage statistics can also be gathered via REST API.

It is again recommended to use anonymizeUserIds=true parameter to not leak any named users or other information that is not pertinent to the purpose of gathering license usage statistics.

Parameter includeValidationInfo=true is required to output the statistics Flowable requires.

Example GET call: core-api/license?anonymizeUserIds=true&includeValidationInfo=true

Providing the License Usage Statistics JSON to Flowable

After gathering the license usage statistics JSON, it can be provided to Flowable via an email to your Customer Success Manager.

License Usage Statistics JSON File

The license usage statistics JSON contains many components reporting on the current usage of the Flowable environment.

  • Product Licenses: This section displays the Flowable products that are enabled with your license.
  • Validation Info
    • User Login Counts: This section displays the number of unique users that login to the Flowable Environment.
    • Instance Counts: This section displays the number of RCPI started within the environment.
    • App Counts: This section displays the number of deployed apps and models in the environment.
    • Node Information: The Node Information section lists the number of active Flowable nodes in the environment. This is for comparing against licensed JVMs.
    • Signature: The signature section at the bottom is a cryptographic signing function to ensure that License Usage Statistics data has not been altered.