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Self-managed trouble-shooting

Where can I find error messages?

The logs of system messages can be found in the Tomcat logs folder where you’ve installed Flowable. The main one to look for is catalina.log, which is a text file of messages output by the Flowable system.

Some part of Flowable still seems to be running

Sometime, the stop scripts are unable to stop the Flowable services. You will need commands from your operating system to kill them. There are 3 services used: Tomcat for the web application; ElasticSearch for data indexing; and ActiveMQ for messaging.

Under Mac or Linux you can use the ps command to find the processes still running. All the Flowable services use Java, so a command such as ps aux | grep java will display them. You can then use the kill command to kill any stubborn processes.

Under Microsoft Windows the services are started in command windows, some of which are minimized. Closing these windows should stop the services. You can also try pressing control-c in a window to stop the service.