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Utilities Library _

The form engine provides a few utility methods that can be useful.


(obj: any, path: string, dflt: any = null): any

Gets the value at path of object. If the resolved value is undefined, the defaultValue is returned in its place.

objThe object to query
pathThe path of the property to get
dfltThe value returned for undefined resolved values


_.get(definition, "extraSettings.layoutDefinition.rows[0].cols[0]")


(value: any): any

Returns a clone of the value. This is not a deep clone, so the attributes of the cloned object will be references the original ones.


const a = {
a1: [1, 2]
const b = _.clone(a);
// a === b => false
// a.a1 === b.a1 => true


(scope: any, pathStr: string, value: any): any

Creates a copy of scope object and assigns the value to the pathStr. It keeps the references to the original scope children unless a clone is necessary to keep the original scope ummodified.
Note that pathStr containing value will be deleted if value is undefined.


const a = {
a1: [1, 2],
a2: {
a21: 1
const b = _.lazyCloneEdit(a, "a1[1]", 3);
// b.a1[1] === 3
// b.a2 === a.a2

(value: any): boolean

Returns true when value is null, undefined or "".

Example: // true


(a: any, b: any): boolean

Performs a deep comparison between two values to determine if they are equivalent.


const a = {
a1: 1
const b = {
a1: 1
_.equals(a, b) // true
// a !== b


(elementName: string, propsClassNames: string = "", modifiers: string[] = []): (subElement: string) => string

Returns a function that returns the BEM-like classNames.


const bem = _.bem("textarea", "component", ["required", "red"]);
bem() // flw__textarea component flw__textarea--required flw__textarea--red component--required component--red
bem("label") // flw__textarea__label component__label flw__textarea--required__label flw__textarea--red__label component--required__label component--red__label


(errors: string[]): string[]

Prepends invalid- to every item in the errors array and adds the item invalid when the list is not empty.


_.errorClasses(["minLength"]) // ["invalid-minLength", "invalid"]


(): string

Returns a different identifier "id-number" every time it's called.


_.uid() // id-1
_.uid() // id-2


(propsA: Props, propsB: Props): boolean

Compares the properties that are subject to change in a component (config, className and lang).


shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps: Props, nextState?: any) {
return !_.equalProps(this.props, nextProps);


(o: any, func: (key: any, value: any, acc: string) => void, acc: string)

Executes func with every child of o.


_.traverse(formDefinition, (key, value, acc) => {
if (value && value.type === "upload" && {
value.value = "{{_files}}";


(url: string, opts: RequestInit = {}, onProgress?: (x: {}) => void): Promise<Response>

Similar to window.fetch but with an additional onProgress parameter.


const headers = new Headers();
headers.append("Content-Type", "text/json");

const users = _.futch("/users", {
method: "get",
mode: "cors"
}).then(response => response.json());


(expression: string, scope: any): any

Resolves the expression using the data and functions in scope.


const payload = {
date1: new Date(2010, 10, 10, 5, 25)
const additionalData = {
timeFormat: date => date.toLocaleTimeString().substr(0, 5)
_.evalExpression("{{date1 |> timeFormat}}", {...payload, ...additionalData}) // 05:25


(obj: any): any[]

Converts an object to an array if it wasn't already an array.


_.asArray(null) // []
_.asArray(1) // [1]
_.asArray([1, 2]) // [1, 2]


(obj: any): any[]

Converts an array-like object into a proper array.




(collection: { [key: string]: any }[], element: { [key: string]: any }): boolean

Returns true if a collection contains an item that matches the element.


_.has(collection, {id: "XXX-Y"})


(callback: (args: any) => void, wait: number, context: any): (args: any) => void

Creates a throttled function that only invokes callback at most once per every given milliseconds.


handleScroll = () => {
let scrollTop = element.getBoundingClientRect().top; = `translateY(${-scrollTop}px)`;
window.addEventListener("scroll", _.throttle(handleScroll, 100, this));


(translations: any, lang: string, key: string, context?: Record<string, unknown>): string

Returns the translation of a key given a language, a list of translations and an optional context of expressions.


const { translations, lang } = props;
const numFiles = (files || []).length;
_.translate(translations, lang, "upload.maxfiles", { numFiles });


(payload: Payload, tempName = "$temp"): Payload

Removes all variables named $temp from the payload recursively. The temp variable name can be changed by passing the optional parameter tempName


const payload = {
a: 1,
b: "hi",
$temp: "to be removed",
c: {
a: 2,
$temp: "to be removed"

_.encode v3.10.0+

(obj: Record<string, any>, prefix?: string): string

Transform an object into a valid query URL.


 const obj = { foo: 123 };
const out = _.encode(obj);

_.sanitizeHtml v3.10.3+

(html?: string): string

Runs DOMPurify library to sanitize any HTML from any possible XSS attack.


 const out = _.sanitizeHtml("<img src='x' onerror='javascript:alert(1)' />");
expect(out).toEqual("<img src='x' />");

_.escapeHtml v3.10.3+

(html?: string): string

Runs some regular expressions to escape any HTML markup. This will avoid the browser executing the HTML.


const out = _.escapeHtml(`<a href="javascript:alert(959)">click</a>`);
"&lt;a href=&quot;javascript:alert(959)&quot;&gt;click&lt;/a&gt;"