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Flowable Control Properties


Control is a Spring Boot application. This means that it is configured as a Spring Boot application and all available properties for Spring Boot application are also applicable for Control.

Control specific properties

The following list displays the properties which are specific for Control.

Properties with the prefix

PropertyDescriptionDefault value
data-source-prefixThe prefix for the database tables.
use-basic-user-storeWhether to use a basic user store.true
license-locationThe location of the license filefile:${user.home}/.flowable/flowable.license
db-store-enabledWhether the license should be fetched from the databasefalse
database-schema-updateThe strategy that should be used for the database update schema (possible values: drop-create, true, false, ignore)true
database-schemaThe database schema to be used for table checks / generation (needed in case the database metadata doesn't return that correctly)
cluster-typeThe configuration type of the target cluster. Possible values: orchestrate, orchestrate_metrics, work, engage, work_without_es_history_and_metrics, work_without_es_historywork
database-schemaThe database schema to be used for table checks / generation (needed in case the database metadata doesn't return that correctly)

Properties with the prefix

PropertyDescriptionDefault value
typeThe type of the security that should be used. Possible values: basic, oauth2basic
remember-me-keyThe hash key used by Spring Security for the remember me cookie.testkey
user-validity-periodHow long should a user be cached before invalidating in the user security cache

Properties with the prefix

PropertyDescriptionDefault value
admin-authoritiesA comma separated list of all the authorities which should make the user an admin-
authorities-attributesA comma separated list of the names of the attributes from which authorities should be extracted from without any changes.-
tenant-attributeThe name of the attribute that holds the tenant id for the authentication.-
default-tenantThe default tenant that each user should be assigned to. In case the tenant attribute has no value.default
post-logout-redirect-urlThe post logout redirect URL.-
privilege-role-attribute-prefixThe prefix used to load roles for the user instead of directly granting authorities-
username-attributeThe name of the attribute that holds the user name-

Properties with the prefix

PropertyDescriptionDefault value
default-admin-roleThe name of the default admin role-
default-user-roleThe name of the default user role-

Properties with the prefix

PropertyDescriptionDefault value
first-name-attributeThe name of the attribute in which the first name is located (only applies when not using OIDC).given_name
last-name-attributeThe name of the attribute in which the last name is located (only applies when not using OIDC).family_name
display-name-attributeThe name of the attribute in which the display name is located (only applies when not using OIDC).name
email-attributeThe name of the attribute in which the email is located (only applies when not using OIDC).email

Properties with the prefix

PropertyDescriptionDefault value
nameThe name of the remember me cookieFLOWABLE_DESIGN_REMEMBER_ME
domainThe domain for the coookie
refresh-ageThe refresh age of the cookie in seconds1d
max-ageThe max age of the security cookie in seconds31d

Properties with the prefix

Do note that if these properties are changed after passwords have been saved, all existing passwords will not be able to be decrypted and the password would need to be reset in the UI.

PropertyDescriptionDefault value
credentials-i-v-specThe string that needs to be used to create an IvParameterSpec object using it's the bytes. The string can be any value with a length of 16 characters
credentials-secret-specThe string that needs to be used to create a SecretKeySpec using it's bytes. The string can be any value with a length of 16 characters

If the encryption properties are changed after passwords for the cluster configurations have been saved, all existing passwords would need to be reset in the UI.

Properties with the prefix

PropertyDescriptionDefault value
enabledFlag to enable/disable the audit log in controlfalse

Properties with the prefix

PropertyDescriptionDefault value
passwordThe password that should be used when creating the user for the basic user store during application start if there are no users and basic user store is used.test

Properties with the prefix

PropertyDescriptionDefault value
enabledFlag indicating the CSRF protection for Flowable Control should be enabledtrue
cookieNameThe name of the cookie in which the CSRF token will be storedFLOWABLE_CONTROL_CSRF_TOKEN
headerNameThe name of the header in which the CSRF token will be storedX-FLOWABLE-CONTROL-CSRF-TOKEN
cookieDomainThe name of the domain where the CSRF token cookie will be saved and read from
cookiePathThe name of the path where the CSRF token cookie will be saved and read from

Properties with the prefix


These cluster-config properties are only used to initialize a default cluster configuration on startup if there is none present in the database. They have no impact if a configuration already exists.

PropertyDescriptionDefault value
typeThe type of the cluster. Possible values: orchestrate, orchestrate_metrics, work, engage, work_without_es_history_and_metrics, work_without_es_historywork
nameThe name of the cluster.
descriptionThe description of the cluster
server-addressThe server host for the cluster
portThe server port of the cluster
context-rootThe context root under which the application where the rest endpoint is cluster on
user-nameThe username that needs to be used when accessing the cluster
passwordThe password that needs to be used when accessing the cluster
authentication-typeThe type of the authentication that needs to be used when accessing the cluster (basic/oauth2)

Properties with the prefix

PropertyDescriptionDefault value
form-based-logoutWether a form based logout should be used in the frontend.false