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Outdated documentation page

This is an old version of the documentation for Flowable until version 3.13 and for the Angular-based Flowable Design 3.14/3.15. If you are running the latest version of Flowable please check out the current version of this page.

The context is used within Word document templates and is available through the keyword context.

It is a supporting layer between Aspose and Flowable to use Flowable expressions and variables during the template generation. Below there is a list of methods which can be used.


The name of the context object can be changed by the Context object property in Flowable Design. The default value is context.

To get started with the template generation, checkout the how-to generate documents.



Object valueOrDefault(String expressionText, Object defaultValue)

Gets a value from an expression or returns a default value in case the value resolves to null or the expression throws an exception. For example, when the value could not be found it will render the default value.


<<[context.valueOrDefault("${location}", "Switzerland")]>>


Object value(String expressionText)

Gets a value from an expression. In case an expression is unable to resolve it will throw an error, and it won't generate the document. This can be useful if the document should not be rendered in case of errors in the expression. However, an alternative approach is to use the valueOrDefault(String, Object) method which is resolving the error case to a default value.




boolean booleanValue(String expressionText)

Gets a boolean value from an expression. This is useful for comparison. The expression can be either a direct boolean variable or a comparison based on one or multiple input parameters.

<<if [context.booleanValue("${validData}")]>>Valid<<else>>Invalid<</if>>


boolean hasValue(Object obj, String key)

Checks if a (nested) value from a map, JSON node, or variable container exists.

To check if a property exists, use a simple property name. To check nested values, use the . notation, e.g., address.street.

If a key is provided that cannot be navigated within the provided obj, it will return false for simple keys (without the . notation) to maintain compatibility. However, for more complex keys, an exception is thrown.

Example usages:

<<[context.hasValue(context.value("${person}"), "address")]>>
<<[context.hasValue(context.value("${person}"), "address.street")]>>
<<[context.hasValue(context.value("${person}"), "unknown")]>> // returns false
<<[context.hasValue(context.value("${person}"), "unknown.nested")]>> // throws error


Object mapValue(Object obj, String key)

Retrieves a (nested) value from a map, JSON node, or variable container.

To retrieve a property, use a simple property name. To retrieve nested values, use the . notation, e.g., address.street.

If a key is provided that cannot be navigated within the provided obj, it will return null for simple keys (without the . notation) to maintain compatibility. However, for more complex keys, an exception is thrown.

Example usages:

<<[context.mapValue(context.value("${person}"), "address")]>>
<<[context.mapValue(context.value("${person}"), "address.street")]>>
<<[context.mapValue(context.value("${person}"), "unknown")]>> // returns null
<<[context.mapValue(context.value("${person}"), "unknown.nested")]>> // throws error


Object evaluate(String expression, Object item)

Evaluates a given expression using a specified input parameter. It takes exactly one item which is either a Map, a VariableContainer or a JsonNode. The item is used as a base for an expression. The expression directly uses the field out of the object which is provided and does not require an additional prefix. The expression has access to all variables present in the document's context.


<<[context.evaluate("${firstName}", person)]>>

This functionality can be helpful when applied within a loop, allowing for dynamic evaluation of expressions based on the current item.

Object evaluate(String expression, Object item, String itemName)

Evaluates a given expression using a specified input parameter. This method accepts any type of item, which is identified by an itemName. This itemName provides a way to reference the input item within the expression. The expression has access to all variables present in the document's context.

The provided item is accessible via its itemName, enabling it to serve as an argument for method invocations within the expression. This feature facilitates the production of calculated results.


<<[context.evaluate("${personObj.firstName}", person, "personObj")]>>
<<[context.evaluate("${exampleService.getSalutation(personObj)}", person, "personObj")]>>

This functionality can be helpful when applied within a loop, allowing for dynamic evaluation of expressions based on the current item. The advantage of this approach is that it does not require the item to conform to any specific type, while the given item can be fully utilized within expressions.


LinqIterable foreach(String expressionText)

Ability to iterate over a list based on an expression which evaluates to an iterable item. This could be a list coming from a form or created with an Init Variable task or something else.


We're very happy to inform you that your order is ready for shipping:

<<foreach [item in context.foreach("${items}")]>>
- <<[context.mapValue(item,"name")]>>, with a business value of <<[context.mapValue(item, "value")]>>

Iterable foreach(Object object)

Ability to iterate over a list based on an iterable object. This could be a list coming from a form or created with an Init Variable task or something else.


We're very happy to inform you that your order is ready for shipping:

<<foreach [item in context.foreach(context.mapValue("${businessData}", "items"))]>>
- <<[context.mapValue(item,"name")]>>, with a business value of <<[context.mapValue(item, "value")]>>


byte[] image(String expressionText)

Displays an image within a document


<<image [context.image("${anImage}")] -fitWidth>>


String asHtml(String expressionText)

The 'rich text' component stores its value either as markdown or html.

When stored as markdown, it's possible to transform this to html using the markdownAsHtml(String) function'.

When stored as html, the html won't be 100% perfect for using in Aspose with a Word template. Calling this method will change the html that is incompatible with using it in such a template.

Note that it's always possible to get the 'raw html' by simply calling the value(String) method like any other component.


<<[context.asHtml("${unfilteredHtml}")] -html>>


String markdownAsHtml(String expressionText)

Converts text as a markdown to a HTML text which can be used for rendering with Aspose. It is useful when you want to display the result of a Rich text editor within an Aspose document.


<<[context.markdownAsHtml("${myRichText}")] -html>>